Enabling the Next Generation of Change Agents: Youth 4 Change
In today's fast-changing world, society confronts various challenges, ranging from social disparities to environmental issues. Young people are playing a...
Hate should have no home in this world
Today is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia and today we are so proud to tell you that...
John, You Must Love
Stop observing everything dark and miserable And don’t try to change the world Live life as it is Our time...
Bloody Foreigners
I am a migrant woman and I am very proud to call myself a Bloody Foreigner. As a Bloody Foreigner, I donate blood and I save lives. Two years ago, I started an awareness-raising campaign called Bloody Foreigners to promote blood donation amongst migrants. We chose the throughout provoking campaign title deliberately to grab attention, to make a noise, and to start a conversation about hateful rhetoric directed at migrants. That campaign brought...
Shaping Inclusive Narratives: Germany’s Digital Media Responsibility in Peacebuilding and Diversity
Digital media has evolved into a powerful tool for shaping societal narratives, often determining how inclusion, diversity, and marginalized communities are perceived. In this context, content creators and platforms bear increasing responsibility for fostering constructive, representative, and peaceful discourse. Projects like Include Me are emerging as vital initiatives aimed at...
Tuning Into Change: COMM UNITY’s Bold Wave of Inclusive Broadcasting
In a world dominated by mainstream media, it's easy to overlook the subtle yet powerful hum of community radios. Imagine a world without them - a world where diverse voices are stifled, where local stories go unheard, and where communities remain isolated. It's a grim picture, isn't it? The Unsung...
About Tragedies of Deaths at Sea: Empathy Gone Cold
As the world gets worried about the terrible faith of people who went under the ocean and never came back, I see and feel the empathy and the fear of the feeling that is not being able to come out for air. The irony of the destiny someone accidentally tragically...
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