Youth 4 Change Project – Voices of the Future

The way young people use social media is changing. Social media and young people go together! Young people are becoming the VOICE of the future, the voice of reason, and advocates of a better society for all.

Across Europe, youth unemployment and disengagement are on the rise. In 2020 the share of young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) across Europe returned to the 2017 level (13.7%). In a short time, the global pandemic resulted in the gains from 3 years being wiped out. Young people have a lot on their minds, yet we often perceive them as silent, as not interested. Modern media algorithms work against meaningful dialogue and exchange. That doesn’t mean young people have nothing to say. They just need a little support, a boost for their confidence and tools to be shown in a different light.

They are already great storytellers, let’s hear what they have to say.

youth for change
youth for changeoutdoor

Young Storytellers for Social Change (YOUTH 4 CHANGE) is an Erasmus+ project that will upskill youth leaders, empowering them with new knowledge and practical training resources to help young people put technology and digital stories to good use. Our ultimate goal is to empower young people (15-24 years) to become active, empowered digital citizens capable of advancing strong social change missions online.

The project addresses the needs of young people and the issues they face with regard to digital skills attainment, access to quality non-formal learning opportunities, active citizenship and employability. YOUTH 4 CHANGE uses the term “youth leaders” to encompass youth workers, educators, organizations and institutions who care about the quality of their work with and for young people. The project partners are all engaged in informal and non-formal youth work and reflect the broad range and scope of youth sector supports.

Project partners:





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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein




Between the Curtains and the Windowsill

Between the Curtains and the Windowsill

In memory of Vincenzina. There’s something between the curtains and the windowsill, and in the earth under your fingernails after you did some gardening: raw and real, much more than dirt, nourishing soil, from which all life grows. Seasons come and go, with placid inevitability, swinging like a pendulum, with...

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Sara Leahy

Sligo photographer specializing in family and wedding portraits




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