I am remarkable,
the very fabric of creation, an ecstatic vibration, the womb of life.
Much more than flesh and blood:
I am a soul, made up of billion-year stardust, the stuff of dreams,
sweat and tears, and you at the touch of a button.
I am remarkable: Mother Earth is where I belong, every single inch of it.
Living, breathing resilience, all muscles and brains,
Opening the door to the world, only to get it slammed in my face.
I am remarkable: the alpha and the omega, daughter, friend, therapist, lover, mother,
Fierce warrior, strong woman, squeamish girl,
Laughing and crying, putting myself out there.
I am remarkable: my body is only mine, and I won’t apologise for doing what I want,
for not needing a man, for seeking orgasm, for knowing the secrets of herbs, love spells, and mathematical theorems.
I know men are half-formed things: beneath their tough appearance, they are still afraid of the dark, of sleeping alone,
Of not being able to win a woman’s heart.
I am remarkable: as a guest in a bachelors’ house, what struck me was not the toilet seat being always up,
but the cobwebs in the bedrooms’ corner, the lack of care, the blood on cooked eggs.
I am remarkable: written off as a prude, as a slut, the world tells me I’ll be forever stuck in a rut, but I won’t.
Century-old wisdom resides in my body, shakes my soul, moves my very core.
I am remarkable: all that was, and forever will be; I rise up and smile.
Treated unfairly, battered by rain and high winds,
I am still standing.
I am remarkable: giving you life, not revealing my power, embracing this mystery, I am like a solid oak.
Too long silenced and judged, I am not afraid to talk for all sisters everywhere.
I am remarkable: and if you don’t see it, it’s because you are blinded by my light.
I am remarkable.
About Author

Dr. Tiziana Soverino is an Italian researcher, writer and activist who lives in Dublin, Ireland. Her poems, short stories and humorous pieces have appeared in Landing Places: Immigrant Poets in Ireland (2010), Boyne Berries (2012) and Ireland’s Own (2015).
Connect with this Author: Twitter: @SoverinoTiziana
LinkedIn: https://ie.linkedin.com/in/tizianasoverino
Tiziana’s words on multiculturalism: The true meaning of multiculturalism is encapsulated by Haruki Murakami, who said: “No matter how high a wall we build to keep intruders out, no matter how strictly we exclude outsiders, no matter how much we rewrite history to suit us, we just end up damaging and hurting ourselves. We have no hope against the wall: it’s too high, too dark, too cold. To fight the wall, we must join our souls together for warmth, strength. We must not let the system control us—create who we are. It is we who created the system”.