5 Thrilling Positions for Females in the Construction Industry

Historically, the construction industry has been dominated by men, however, more and more women are venturing into this field. At this point, this industry needs women, and at the same time has a lot to offer to women. We definitely would not like to envision the future of construction without female participation and influence. There is simply no reason why this should continue to happen. In fact, the world affords a large spectrum of exciting positions which can be well-desirable to the competencies of women.

EU Construction needs women

Women make up only 9% of the construction industry’s workforce in Europe, leaving a huge talent pool untapped, while construction labour shortages in the EU are also expected to worsen in the future as the population declines and the workforce ages.

FEMCON project is Empowering Women In construction. Its mission is to create innovative vocational education and training tools to help women working in or considering a career in the construction industry advance to visible roles within the industry. The project’s goal is to make the industry more appealing to women, resulting in a greater number of women choosing the sector. It will create conditions for positive change. The industry’s gender outlook and quality of life in the male-dominated sector needs to change.


Here are 5 thrilling positions that provide superb possibilities for women in the construction industry:

1. Construction Manager

Construction managers are liable for supervising all elements of a construction project, from making plans and budgeting to hiring and supervising workers. They assure that tasks are finished on schedule, within budget, and to the delight of the client. This function asks for superb organizational and communication competencies, in addition to the ability to multitask.

2. Architect

Some of the most successful architects are women. From planning homes and different structures to working with clients to meet their desires and budgets. This is an exciting and ambitious role, which can also inspire some complementary, less complex roles in the industry.

3. Structural Engineer

Structural engineers make sure that constructions are secure, stable, and able to withstand environmental and different pressures. This function calls for superior mathematical and technical competencies, in addition to superb interest in element and problem-fixing abilities.

4. Electrician

Building electricians set up and maintain electric structures in homes and different structures, making sure that they’re secure and functioning properly. They work with a large variety of equipment and equipment and can concentrate on regions consisting of wiring, lighting, or HVAC structures. This function calls for sturdy technical competencies, as well as troubleshooting skills.

5. Heavy Machinery Operator

Heavy equipment operators are accountable for running big equipment, consisting of excavators, bulldozers, and cranes, to transport soil, materials, and different items on construction sites. This function calls for great spatial attention and hand-eye coordination, in addition to the readiness to work in quite a few climate situations and environments.

These are only some of the interesting positions to be had for ladies withinside the construction sector. With a large variety of possibilities and a growing call for professionals, the construction industry needs to welcome and attract more women into the field.

Outside Media & Knowledge is a proud partner of the FEMCON project.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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Between the Curtains and the Windowsill

In memory of Vincenzina. There’s something between the curtains and the windowsill, and in the earth under your fingernails after you did some gardening: raw and real, much more than dirt, nourishing soil, from which all life grows. Seasons come and go, with placid inevitability, swinging like a pendulum, with...

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Sara Leahy

Sligo photographer specializing in family and wedding portraits




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